Creating a safe space for everyone to come to terms with their past and more importantly to build a brighter, better and happier future, using RTT Hypnotherapy.

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More successful than talk therapy alone, RTT hypnotherapy has a proven track record to understanding why you feel the way you do.

Helping many people through depression, anxiety, addiction and suicidal thoughts.

Reading the testimonials below, you can see what other people had to say about their experience.

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Mission Statement

At Flip-It, our unwavering commitment is to illuminate the path from despair to hope. We recognize the profound struggles faced by individuals navigating mental health challenges, especially those contemplating suicide. Our mission is to provide a sanctuary of healing, where every person—regardless of their pain—finds solace, resilience, and transformation.

Vision Statement

We envision a world where mental health is embraced with empathy and understanding.


At Flip-It, we strive to

  1. Empower Resilience: Through talk therapy, group therapy, and hypnotherapy, we empower our clients to discover their inner strength. We believe that healing begins when individuals feel heard, validated, and empowered to rewrite their narratives.
  2. Foster Connection: We recognize that healing extends beyond the individual. Our vision includes nurturing family support (not always related by blood), fostering open communication, and creating a safe space where people can heal together. We believe that growing your support network and the use of therapy is a powerful catalyst for collective growth.
  3. Unlock Subconscious Healing: Hypnotherapy, guided by skilled practitioners, taps into the subconscious mind, exposing how we came to our beliefs. Our vision is to unlock hidden resources, address trauma, and facilitate profound healing. We envision a world where hypnotherapy is destigmatized and embraced as a valuable tool.
  4. Prevent Despair: Our commitment to people thinking of ending their lives, is unyielding. We aim to be a beacon of hope, providing timely interventions, compassionate listening, and evidence-based therapies. Our vision is to prevent despair from claiming lives.

About Our Therapists

Our team, brought together by Victoria J Boylan, embodies compassion, expertise, and unwavering dedication. We stand united in our mission to flip despair into resilience, one conversation at a time.

Remember, this statement reflects our heartfelt commitment to those who seek healing. If you have any additional requests or need further refinement, feel free to ask.

About Us

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And start your FlipIt journey

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Date & Time
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Date & Time
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Appointment Details
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{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_price }}
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Change is possible when you work with a therapist who understands your issues, and has the skills to help you overcome them. Flip It therapy team are experienced and qualified counsellors and RTT practitioners.
